The present paper deals wilh lhe effect of education on lhe growth of population and migration of labour force. For !his two hypotheses are tested on the basis of primary dala collected by surveying 1,000 persons in six tehsils of Ujjain district. It was found !hat attributes of education and small family have a possible association. Education encourages nucleus families, which have less. number of children. Educated people not only like to marry late, but also like to have their first child late. and have wider gap between successive children. AD these result in small families. The effect of education on reducing the number of children is also favourable. Majority of people educated as weff as uneducated think !hat at least one child is essential in the family. In case of not having a child of their own, majority of educated people prefer to adopt a child, whereas uneducated people are ready to go in for a second marriage. A majority of lhe educated people believe that child is not .a gift of God. Effect of education on the change of profession is weak. Majority of peopte do not wish to change their profession but, however, they are witting to send out their children for better jobs. Education affects the migration of population from primary to secondary and tertiary seotors, thus reducing the burden of population on primary sector.
Cite this article:
Murty (1988). Effect Of Education On Population Growth and Migration. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 1(1), pp. 153-159.