This study analyses the research output in diabetes literature in India during 2019 indexed on Web of Science database on several aspects includes growth, rank and global publication and share of international collaborative papers. It also analyses the most productive authors, top journals, on-year wise distribution, country wise distribution and authorship pattern of contribution. The highest number of scientific outputs belongs to USA, UK, Netherland, India followed by other countries which considerably had a lower rate of publication. Among all authors globally V. Mohan contributed 75 articles on Diabetes literature. From this study it was concluded that the publication on Diabetes literature was increased and more participation should be needed for the growth of Diabetes literature nationally throughout countries.
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Patel and Verma (2019). Analysis of Diabetes Research Literature in India during 2019: A Scientometric Study. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 25(1), pp.01-09.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUA.2019-25-1-1