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Author(s): G.K. Deshmukh, Sanskrity Joseph, Asha Sahu

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

Address: Assistant Professor 1, 2, Research Scholar 3
Institute of Management, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.).

Published In:   Volume - 25,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2019

DOI: 10.52228/JRUA.2019-25-1-4  

Corporate social Responsibility has become a buzz word in recent times. Its worldwide acceptance due to the social consciousness of enterprises coupled with legal orientation in developing countries like India has made it one of the most researched issue for researchers across continents. This paper is an attempt to review the development in the core concepts and theories which have been put forwarded by different researchers during the time period of 2010-2018. The paper undergoes a time series analysis for the selected period evaluating the evolution and impact assessment of CSR on core managerial concepts like marketing, finance and Human Resource management. The researchers after time series analysis have concluded that CSR is age long practice which has changed its orientation with the changes in objectives of business. It can be easily classified in three conceptual eras on the basis of its objectives. In the initial era it was a self-driven practice mainly influenced by the values of promoters of business. In the later stages it can be related with a business strategy of gaining goodwill. In the present era corporates have understood the value of societal obligation and it has again become a self-driven exercise. Further the impact of CSR has coupled with almost all functions of management which can be easily understood from the host of studies conducted during the selected period. The selected studies indicate that CSR has been instrumental in increasing net worth, customer satisfaction and employee retention.

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Deshmukh, Joseph and Sahu (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights from Literature Review. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 25(1), pp.26-35.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUA.2019-25-1-4


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