Abstract View

Author(s): Ram Pd. Chandra, Bhumika Sharma, Archana Sethi

Email(s): chandraeco01@gmail.com

Address: *Department of Economics, Govt. MLS PG College Seepat, (CG), India
Department of Economics, K.L. Arts and Commerce College, Bagbahara (CG), India
School of Studies in Economics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur, C.G., India
*Corresponding Author E-mail: chandraeco01@gmail.com

Published In:   Volume - 29,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2023

DOI: 10.52228/JRUA.2023-29-1-1  

After the constitution of India came into force, such laws were made which gave equal rights to women. After independence, many schemes have been continuously made for women empowerment, whether it is to stop feticide, whether it is education or health related or security. Efforts are being made continuously for women and to bring them equal in every field. Researchers identified eight factors infusing of the present study; SPSS ‘version 20’ and Jamovi ‘version 2.2.2’ has been used for processing of the data and Independent T-test has been performed to test the relationship. T-test result shows that with marital status, MHB, RP, RV and DTV are statically significant at 5% level of significant (p-value < .05); but Know ATM password, DIA, ME and DJC are statically not significant at 5% level of significant (p-value > .05). T-test result shows that with Income level, MHB, RP and RV are statically significant at 5% level of significant (p-value < .05); but Know ATM password, DIA, ME, DTV and DJC are statically not significant at 5% level of significant (p-value > .05). Study results find out that there is no significant difference between the liberty of economic decision of married and unmarried, low income level and high income level salaried woman. It is clear that women need to get more aware for regarding economic decisions.

Cite this article:
Chandra, Sharma and Sethi (2023). Women Empowerment: Liberty of Economic Decision among the Salaried Women. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 29(1), pp. 1-8. DOI:DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUA.2023-29-1-1


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