In India women development programs have been allotted place in the sixth five year plan. Till that time the status of women in the country was alarming. Decreasing gender ratio, high deathrate. Low standard of education (literacy) and keeping them as devoid group in the Indian economy by the policy makers, indicates that even after three decades of independence women were totally ignored. Many times this question is naturally arises in our hearts. why should we know history and for whom? How much true is history's truth? If the history has been written fictitiously? Then should we accept the present as truth? This situation can be dubious specially when evaluating the status of women in Indian society.
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Gajpal , Tiwari, Gajpal (2012). GENDER INEQUALITY IN INDIA: A SOCIO - HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: Science), 17(1), pp.40-43.