Abstract View

Author(s): Alka Jha, R D Helode

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

Address: Department of Psychology
Ravishankar University, Raipur- 492010.

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 1,     Year - 1989

DOI: Not Available

The present paper aimed at investigating Target Persons' Reaction to Subordinates' Impression Management Efforts in the light of their personality dimensions. As such, a sample of 60 Top-level-Bosses has been selected from Bhilai Steel Plant on the incidental-cum-random basis to represent the population of target persons in 1he industrial set up. A precautian was taken to exercise control over such demographic variables as age, sex, job status and length of service in the current position while selecting the sample. These 60 top-level bosses were all male.ageing between 34 to 50 years and holding the same job status for the period of 1 to 3 years. Further, to assess personality dimensions such as, Field-Independence- Dependence (Fl-FD) and Locus of Control (LOC), Wilkin's Hidden Figure Test (HFT) and Rotter's Indian Adaptation of Internal External-Control of Reinforcement (IECR) were, respectively, administered to 60 subjects. Thereafter to know the reaction of the subordinates' impression management efforts (popular1yknown as subordinates' Ingratiation tactics) a 5-point Likert type scale prepared by Helode called Perceived Impression Management Inventory (PIMI) was administered to these 60 top-level-bosses. Statistical analysis of the data led to the following findings: (1) A negative, though insignificant, trend of relationship has been noticed between the Fl-FD personality dimension of the top-level-bosses and their fa110urable-unfavourable reaction towards the impression management efforts of their subordinates. (2)A positive, though insignificant, trend of relationship has been observed between the External locus of Control of the top level bosses and their favorable -unfavorable reaction towards the Impression management efforts of their subordinates. (3) The joint-action effect of Fl-FD and LOC personality dimensions of top-level-bosses has been found upon their favorable-unfavorable reaction towards their subordinates' impression management efforts to the appreciable extent. in that, as expected, field-dependent-internal bosses have expressed relatively more favourable reaction than the field-independent-external bosses; while field-dependent-external bosses have expressed relatively more favourable reaction than the field-independent-internal bosses towards the impression management efforts of their subordinates.

Cite this article:
Jha and Helode (1989). Target Persons' Reaction to Subordinates' Impression Management Efforts. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: Geography), 2(1), pp.49-55.

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