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Author(s): Shraddha Shahane

Email(s): shraddhashahane25@gmail.com

Address: 1 Librarian, Government Arts and Commerce College, Mohana, Distt Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.
*Corresponding author: shraddhashahane25@gmail.com

Published In:   Volume - 28,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2022

DOI: 10.52228/JRUA.2022-28-1-5  

This paper focuses on the various aspects of the disaster management system in the perspective of Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (Amarkantak). This paper aims to know that which type of disaster is faced by the library. The study also reveals that which type of preventive measures are adopting by the library. Disaster plan in written format is essential for each library. Hence it is necessary to identify the actual position of the written disaster plan. Generally, it finds that the library is not fully aware of disaster handling capacity. Therefore this study presents the adopting procedural steps by this library. A questionnaire is prepared and used to collect information. The result of the study is helpful for the preparation of future policies in the library.

Cite this article:
Shahane (2022). Different Aspects of Disaster Management Activities at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak (M.P.): A Case study. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 28(1), pp. 44-51DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUA.2022-28-1-5


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