Mithilesh Kumar Singh, Rajender Lal, Rakesh Kumar Patel, Rajeev Chaudhary
School of Studies in Physical Education, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.).
Physical Education, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi
DIET, Shahjahanpur (U.P.)
School of Studies in Physical Education, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.).
Published In:
Volume - 27,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2021
The objective of the study was to predict of Libero’s performance on the basis of selected anthropometric characteristics. In this study, Libero’s performance was selected as dependent variable (DV) and selected anthropometric characteristics i.e. LP (Libero’s Performance), LH (Libero’s Height), LW (Libero’s Weight), LAL (Libero’s Arm Length), LFAL (Libero’s Fore Arm Length, LUAL (Libero’s Upper Arm Length), LUAC (Libero’s Upper Arm Circumference), LWC (Libero’s Waist Circumference), LHC (Libero’s Hip Circumference), LLL (Libero’s Leg Length), LLLL (Libero’s Lower Leg Length), LTC (Libero’s Thigh Circumference) and LCC (Libero’s Calf Circumference) were observed as independent variables (IV). For the purpose of the present study, the subjects were selected from Inter-university level Volleyball Tournament. A total of 75 male Liberos were purposively selected for the study. The age of the subjects ranged between 18-28 years. To find out relationship between Dependent Variable (Libero’s Performance) and Independent Variables (selected Anthropometric Characteristics), Product Moment correlation and multiple correlations were applied. For predicting Dependent Variable (Libero’s Performance) on the basis of Independent Variables (selected Anthropometric Characteristics), multiple regression equation was applied. Established regression models are: (1) Libero’s Performance = 114.163-551X Libero’s Height (2) Libero’s Performance = 137.345 -1.171 X Libero’s Height+.913 X Libero’s Leg Length (3) Libero’s Performance = 95.165 -.944 X Libero’s Height+1.296 X Libero’s Leg Length -1.024 X Libero’s Calf Circumference. The findings suggest that performance is associated with anthropometric characteristics with biomechanical implications that may be used to provide a more complete evaluation of Libero’s performance.
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Kumar Singh, Lal, Patel, and Chaudhary (2021). Prediction of Libero’s Performance on the basis of Selected Anthropometric Characteristics. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 27(1), pp. 89-98.DOI:
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