This paper examined job satisfaction levels among library professionals in Chhattisgarh region based on different affecting factors. This survey study is made up of 69 library Professionals in different 7 districts. The majority of the respondents are female library professionals (53.62%) while the rest are male professionals (46.38%). Among the sample of library professionals, 81.16 % are married and 18.84% are unmarried. A questionnaire was distributed by hand and through the mail for data collection and analyzed using excel. Job satisfaction is a very essential aspect that is often evaluated by organizations. The way of measurement is the use of an evaluation scale where librarians report their opinion to their jobs. Questions are connected with Nature of work Professional status, social status, motivation, Management support, and professional development. As a result of a study by calculation of mean; most of the library professionals are dissatisfied with their nature of work but moderately satisfy with Professional status, motivation and human resources. High social status affects their satisfaction level.
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Joshi and Sahu (2020). Factors Affecting on Job Satisfaction level and Social Status among Library Professionals in Chhattisgarh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 26(1), pp. 9-16.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52228/JRUA.2020-26-1-2