Abstract View

Author(s): Zakia T Khan

Email(s): Email ID Not Available

Address: Department of Geography Ravishankar University Raipur.

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 1,     Year - 1989

DOI: Not Available

In view of the unique applicability of the Simulation Model to the study of urban growth, the 'Monte Carlo Simulation Model' has been employed to test .the hypothesis regarding the growth of Bilaspur city. The hypothesis was that the city of Bilaspur grew along the State Highway and major city roads, the proximity of city centre, important sub-centers and already settled areas encouraged its expansion; availability of vacant land influenced its growth positively while the area liable to flooding repelled its growth. Thus, axial· or sectoral, as well as the multinuclear growth is seen alon gwith accretion of concentric growth. This test led to the conclusion, that, the hypothesis made above proved to be correct for the majority of cells (about 60%) of simulated growth tallied with these of real growth.

Cite this article:
Khan (1989). Simulation Of Urban Growth: A Case Study Of Bilaspur City Of Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: Geography), 2(1), pp.01-05.

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