Corporate Social Responsibility: Insights
from Literature Review
Dr. G.K. Deshmukh1,
Dr. Sanskrity Joseph2 and Asha Sahu3
Assistant Professor 1, 2, Research
Scholar 3
Institute of Management, Pt. Ravishankar
Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.)
social Responsibility has become a buzz word in recent times. Its worldwide
acceptance due to the social consciousness of enterprises coupled with legal
orientation in developing countries like India has made it one of the most
researched issue for researchers across continents. This paper is an attempt to review the
development in the core concepts and theories which have been put forwarded by
different researchers during the time period of 2010-2018. The paper undergoes
a time series analysis for the selected period evaluating the evolution and
impact assessment of CSR on core managerial concepts like marketing, finance
and Human Resource management. The researchers after time series analysis have
concluded that CSR is age long practice which has changed its orientation with
the changes in objectives of business. It can be easily classified in three
conceptual eras on the basis of its objectives. In the initial era it was a
self-driven practice mainly influenced by the values of promoters of business. In
the later stages it can be related with a business strategy of gaining
goodwill. In the present era corporates have understood the value of societal
obligation and it has again become a self-driven exercise. Further the impact
of CSR has coupled with almost all functions of management which can be easily
understood from the host of studies conducted during the selected period. The
selected studies indicate that CSR has been instrumental in increasing net
worth, customer satisfaction and employee retention.
Keywords: Corporate
Social Responsibility, discretionary practices, philanthropy, sustainable
development (SD)
According to Hill et al. (2007) “Corporate social
responsibility is the economic, legal, moral benevolent actions taken by the
firms to improve the living standards of all its stakeholders.” The concept of corporate social
responsibility has become an instrumental tool in developing corporate mind-set
and practices for sustainable development. The societal renaissance of business
enterprises which was earlier evident in small glimpses have now become the
centre and front runner of almost every activity. Corporate social
responsibility coupled with corporate consciousness of their social obligations
is bringing about wide spread changes in the ways and means the enterprise
conduct the affairs of business. Caroll
(2015) indicated that CSR is an age old practise which came into existence
after the World War II when the industries contributed actively in saving the
world economy from the great depression by increasing production and generating
employment. Therefore the practice of CSR by enterprises has spanned over a
century and has undergone sea changers with respect to conceptual development
and implementation. The wide time span has given a host of definition to
corporate social responsibility. Therefore the researchers over the years have
used various constructs to define the practice of CSR. Various researchers like
Silberhorn and Warren (2007) and Weber (2008) have openly cited that it is very
difficult to describe the concept of CSR as the objectives of corporates
practising CSR has changed over the years which ultimately changed the
conceptual definition. The researchers have made an attempt to analyse the
various constructs used by researchers over the years to define the concept of
CSR. Table 1.1 presents a snapshot of various constructs used by researchers to
define CSR over various decades beginning from 1950.
Table 1.1
Construct of CSR
Used by Researchers
responsibility- Obligatory policies desirable by society
Bowen (1953)
Selekman’s (1959)
Eells’ (1956)
context of CSR – long run economic gain of business
Davis (1960)
socio-economic welfare of society
Frederick (1960)
CSR as
extension of economic and legal obligation
McGuire (1963)
system approach of CSR
Davis & Blomstrom (1966)
consequences of one’s Act
Davis (1967)
Liaison of
corporation & society & CSR as a continuum ranging from
minimum responsibility to maximum responsibility
Walton (1967)
Three concentric circles
definition of social responsibility:
Committee for Economic
Development (CED) (1971)
of Interests”
“Long run
profit maximization”
“Lexicographic view of social
Johnson (1971)
broader responsibilities to
CED (1971)
social interest and the
enlightened self-interest of business over the long run
Steiner (1971)
Stressed on 3
basic elements of CSR: (i)Objective setting, (ii)Decision to act, (iii) financing
Manne & Wallich (1972)
Social benefits along with the
traditional economic gains
Davis (1973)
Active role in eliminating social
Eilbert & Parket (1973)
Distinguished “social
obligation,” “social responsibility,” and “social responsiveness.”
Sethi (1975)
Agency Theory
Jensen and Meckling (1976)
Public responsibility
Preston and Post (1975)
problem-solving perspective on
Fitch (1976)
four-dimensional CSR concept
corporate social performance (CSP) the economic, legal, ethical, and
discretionary expectations of society.
Carroll (1977)
“social responsibility
Abbott and Monsen (1979)
a “fit” between the two
components of a “business ethic” and societal expectations of the private
economic sector
Zenisek (1979)
Serving groups beyond
stockholders without social obligations
Jones (1980)
“legal-responsible” cell as CSR
Dalton and Cosier (1982)
Organization-environment model
Strand (1983)
Stakeholder Theory
Freeman (1984)
Conversion of social
responsibilities into business opportunities.
Drucker (1984)
Definitional construct of CSR
Aupperle, Carroll, and Hatfield
“evolution of the corporate
social performance model,”
Wartick & Cochran (1985)
“Corporate social policy
Epstein (1987)
Corporate citizenship.”
Wood (1991)
Stakeholder Theory “fit” with
Pyramid Model of CSR
Carroll (1991)
Stewardship Theory
Davis et al. (1997)
Triple Bottom Line
Elkington (1998)
positive correlation between an
enterprises CSR actions and its competitiveness
Porter and Kramer (2011)
Resource-Based View
Chan et al. (2005); McWilliams et
al. (2002)
Stakeholder Theory (descriptive)
Gilbert and Rasche (2008); Reed (2002)
Social Contract Theory
Cragg (2000); Dunfee (2006);
Sacconi (2006)
Legitimacy Theory
Blasio (2007); Cashore et al. (2003)
business-integrated approach
Doane, (2005)
CSR as strategic and managerial
De Bakker et al. (2005)
Five dimensional study of CSR
Dahlsrud (2008)
DNA of CSR 2.0 Model
Visser et al. (2010)
A Practitioner-Based Model of
Societal Responsibilities
Pedersen (2010)
Value Creation Model of CSR
Gholami (2011)
The Model of Consumer Driven
Corporate Responsibility
Claydon (2011)
Institutional Theory
Detomasi (2007); Kang & Moon
(2012); Ungericht & Hirt (2010)
Source: Prepared by
Table 1.1 indicates that the concept of CSR can be
largely divided in three era. In the initial era it was a self-driven practice mainly influenced by
the values of promoters of business. In the later stages it can be related with
a business strategy of gaining goodwill. In the present era corporates have
understood the value of societal obligation and it has again become a
self-driven exercise for sustainable development.
In the present scenario the concepts of honesty,
transparency, sustainable development, corporate governance, accountability,
ethics etc were propounded by National Voluntary Guidelines on CSR (2011) under the
ministry of corporate affairs, Government of India define the very scope and
nature of CSR. CSR is a sense of ‘Returning back to society ‘as the business
enterprise is also an integral part of society. No business house can operate
as an island as it will require stakeholder to keep it in the operational
stage. Therefore it becomes the responsibility of the business towards its
stakeholders to evolve practices which can help them in contributing towards
the higher goals of sustainable development of society. Sustainable development is an integrated
approach towards the growth and development of society, environmental
protection, concern towards consumers and safeguarding the human rights. Elkington, (1998) used the triple
bottom line approach of sustainable development namely economic, social and
environmental wellbeing to discuss the approach that CSR should
take in future to contribute towards society.
The World Bank Council for
Sustainable Development (2002) defines CSR as “the persistent allegiance by
business to act in an ethical manner and conducive to economic development by
improving the quality of life of the employee’s family and overall society.” Tthe
definition in recent era by researchers openly discusses the reasons and scope
of CSR with respect to policy and practise. McWilliams and Siegel, (2001)
defined CSR as “legal actions that leads to social wellbeing apart from the
profitability of the firm. Further Carroll (1979) and (1990) highlights the
scope of CSR by defining CSR as “The social responsibility of business
comprises of economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary (philanthropic)
prospects of society”
Similarly Kotler and Lee, (2005);
Perrini, (2005) identified the broad categories where the practices of CSR are
generally directed in present times. They identified seven broad categories
which includes: (1) cause promotion
(increasing awareness and concern for social causes); (2) cause-related
marketing (contributing to causes based on sales); (3) corporate social marketing (behaviour
change initiatives); (4) corporate philanthropy (contributing directly to
causes); (5) community volunteering (employees donating time and talents in the
community); and (6) socially responsible business practices (discretionary
practices and investment to support causes). Further Madison (2017) in a blog has
summated functions of CSR by identifying the key areas in which the business
houses are making active investments under the banner of CSR. The major
activities carried out by enterprises includes following:
sourcing of materials and supplies
- Employee,
vendor, customer and community engagement and relations
- Adherence to labour
- Environmental
protection and management
- Anti-corruption measures
- Upholding
social equity, gender equity and other human rights goals
- Conservation
of resources, like water and energy, in production
In short CSR can be envisaged as balance between business and society
and the extension of firms responsibilities beyond the self-motive &
compatibility with law (Carroll, 1979; Jones, 1980; McWilliams & Siegel,
2001; see also Davis, 1973). Further the scope of an
evolving concept can be understood by its amalgamation and summation with
existing practices of management function. The concept of CSR was philanthropic
in nature during its inception. The further elaboration of the concept
intermingled with self-consciousness of business houses where they fulfilled
their societal obligations for developing corporate goodwill. In recent times the concept of CSR has
undertaken its conceptual development by becoming a necessity for business
houses due to constant pressure of stakeholders for fulfilling corporate
responsibility. Genesis of CSR has revealed that with the time being
passed corporations have shifted themselves from the involuntary actions of CSR
towards voluntary actions. Corporations have realised the positive effects of
the social responsibility at large and in long run. Many big giants have been
engaged in CSR activities to reap long term benefits of CSR. During the period
of 2010-2018, many research studies have been conducted in different spheres of
globe and have concluded that social practices positively affects the business
functions. Table 1.2 makes an attempt to understand dimensions used by
researchers across functional areas between the periods of 2010- 2018 in
relation to studies conducted in field of CSR.
Table1.2 Dimensions related to Researches conducted in fields of CSR
between the periods of 2010-2018
Sr. No.
Cost Of
Equity Financing
El-Ghoul et
al. (2011)
responsible practices have higher valuation and lower risk.
industries, namely, tobacco and nuclear power, increases firms’ cost of
Role of
customer awareness
Servaes and
Tamayo (2013)
activities can
enhance firm
value for firms with high public awareness
activities can add value to the firm but only under certain conditions.
Du et al.
communication build corporate image, strengthen stakeholder–company
relationships, and enhance stakeholders’
social responsibility communication can have a backlash effect if
suspicious and perceive predominantly
motives in companies’ social initiatives
strengths are
perceived as
value-creating, reversing the earlier negative into a positive impact on
analysts are more likely to recommend a stock “buy” for CSR-strong firms
positive CSR
strategies are more likely to be perceived as value-creating for
visibility firms
Cheng et al.
Better CSR
performance face significantly lower capital constraints.
and transparency around CSR performance, are important in reducing capital constraints
Kolak &
Tulder (2010);
Tai et al.
Bogna (2018)
Social responsibility
“which creates long-term sustainability for corporate success by meeting the
needs of all suppliers, investors and employees” into their ownership
· MNEs can
implement CSR, and help enterprises or firms exceed their efficiency by
focussing on new scientific innovations.
Activities of banks have become symbol of
speculation after global financial crisis of 2007.
Groves and
Larocca (2011)
was associated with follower beliefs in the stakeholder view of CSR.
styles influences ethical values and ultimately the CSR activities
CSR and
organisation / Firm performance
Petrenko et
al. (2016);
Ali et al. (2010)
Mishra and Suar
The study
found significantly
relationship between CSR actions and employee organizational commitment, CSR
performance & employee organizational commitment & organizational
can enhance their employee organizational commitment through
themselves in social activities.
business practices towards primary stakeholders can be
and beneficial to Indian firms
Wang &
Bansal (2012)
invests more on such institutions which focuses more on CSR leading to high
financial performance.
analysis reveals that institutional investors, rather than individual
investors, are more subject to the influence of CSR.
et al. (2011)
CSR as an
tool for promoting alignment between multiple corporate identities (e.g.
internal, external),
ultimately leads to key benefits for the company.
suggests that CSR activities should
should be
integrated into the
fabric of the company, aligning all areas of the organisation, from Human
Resources to
Public Relations to Marketing
Green & Peloza (2011).
CSR can
provide three forms of value to consumers: emotional, social, and functional.
value created
by one form of CSR can either enhance or diminish other product attributes.
Prepared by authors
Table 1.2 highlights that the major researches conducted
during the period of eight years starting from 2010 to present year of 2018
were majorly related with six areas namely (i) value of Firm, (ii)
Sustainability, (iii) Leadership, (iv) performance of firm (v) Marketing
Perspective and (vi) value proposition. The researchers who concentrated on
financial perspectives of CSR were of the opinion that CSR practices can bring
down the operational profits in the short run but can be helpful in increasing
the goodwill in the long run which will be helpful in raising capital from
primary markets. Further the researchers who studied the impact of CSR on
sustainability emphasised on innovation and ethical practices to gain the
objective of balance between the facets of triangle of sustainability namely
economic, social and environmental development through CSR. The researchers
indicated that indeed it is transformational leadership style which can help in
better implementation of CSR in organisations.
The dimension of firm performance was studied from the pointers of
financial as well as from the employees’ point of view. The study indicated
that CSR has the power and capacity to influence the institutional stakeholder
while the take decisions to invest in companies. Further the researchers also
linked high employee organisational commitment to CSR practices. CSR was also
examined from the value proposition point of view. The researchers concluded
that CSR can enhance or diminish the value of firms in the eyes of customer in
emotional, social and functional dimensions.
Further a plethora of studies have been conducted to
understand and analyse the benefits derived from the very practise of CSR the
researchers analysed the selected research papers to understand the direct and
indirect benefits that can be derived from the practise of CSR. Table 1.3 studies the benefits which were
cited again and again by the research papers over the years.
Table 1.3: Benefits of CSR in Different
Functional Areas
Functional Area
High Firm Value
Aras et al. (2010); Guenster et al. (2011); Jo and
Harjoto, (2011); Kim et al. (2012); Alafi & Hasoneh
Reduce risk
Jo & Na (2012)
Easier access to finance
Cheng, Ioannou, & Serafeim (2014)
Low Cost Of Capital; Equity Capital; debt
Dhaliwal et al. (2012); El Ghoul et al. (2011); Chava (2010); Roberts (2011)
Higher Stock Return
Deng et al. (2013)
et al. (2012); Alexander
Increase In No. Of
Dhaliwal et al. (2012); Kim
et al. (2012)
Increased shareholder value
Deng et al. (2013); Cheng et al. (2014); El Ghoul et al. (2011)
Reduce contracting cost
Brammer & Pavelin (2006);
Du et al. (2011); Zhang et al. (2014)
Increased financial performance
(2012); Hofman & Newman (2014); De Roeck & Delobbe (2012) De Roeck et
al. (2014); Stites & Michael (2011); Aguinis and Glavas (2012; Coulmont
and Berthelot (2015)
Employee Turnover
Galbreath (2011)
Increased Employee Trust & satisfaction,
Edmans, (2012)
Enhanced Employee Participation/ commitment
Ditlev-Simonsen, (2012); Hofman & Newman
(2014); De Roeck & Delobbe (2012); De Roeck et al. (2014); Stites &
Michael (2011)
Employee Retention,
Galbreath (2011)
Attract Top Talents
Berger (2004); Bauman and Skitka (2012)
Berger (2004)
Deltiv-Semonsen (2012); Kwan & Tuuk (2012); De
Roeck et al. (2014)
Empoyee’s attitude and behaviour
Ditlev-Simonsen (2012); Johnson, Morgeson, &
Hekman (2012)
Employee satisfaction
DeRoeck et al.(2014)
Increased Customer Loyalty, Consumer Value
Increased Sales
Lev et al. (2010)
Brand image
Porter & Kramer (2006,
Customer satisfaction
Galbreath (2010); Mulki & Jaramillo
(2011); Alafi and Hasoneh (2012
Attract new customers
Lev et al. (2010)
Consumers’ confidence
Du, Bhattacharya, & Sen,
(2011); Zhang, Ma, Su, & Zhang, (2014)
stakeholder engagement
Benabou & Tirole (2010); Eccles et al. (2013); Jo and Harjoto
(2011, 2012)
Enhance Firm’s Competitive Advantage
Doh, Lawton, and Rajwani
(2012); Flammer (2013); Mulki & Jaramill (2011)
Firm reputation
Galbreath (2011); Mulki & Jaramillo (2011);
Aguinis and Glavas (2012); Coulmont and Berthelot
Prepared by authors
The concept of CSR is debatable as the benefits derived
from CSR can generally be felt and cannot be attributed only to CSR. A large
number of studies have tried to justify the stand of companies by linking the
benefits that a company can derive from CSR through various empirical and
conceptual articles. The researchers have tried to sum up the benefits which
have featured gain and again in the conclusions of papers related with CSR. The
benefits have been arranged as per the functional areas of marketing, finance,
Human resources and others which are termed as overall advantage. The area of finance is the most debated area
because it correlates the benefits with the associated cost. The benefits in
financial area were High value to firm, reduced risk, Easier access to finance, Low Cost of
Capital; Equity Capital; debt, Higher Stock Return, Increased Profitability,
Increase in number Of Investors, Increased shareholder value, Reduce
contracting cost, Reduce contracting cost, Increased financial performance were
benefits related with financial area.
The benefits related with marketing area by and large were related with
the outlook of customers. The researchers indicate that CSR practices provides Increased
Customer Loyalty, Consumer Value proposition, Increased Sales, brand Image,
Customer satisfaction, attraction of new customers, and customer confidence. Further Reduced Employee Turnover,
Increased Employee Trust And Satisfaction, Enhanced Employee Participation/
commitment, Employee Retention, Attract Top Talents, Employees’ Social
Valuation, social behaviour (preventing absenteeism), Recruitment, Job Satisfaction, Employee’s attitude and behaviour, Employee
satisfaction were benefits related with human resource area. The overall benefits of firm had a
strategic over view and dealt with Better stakeholder engagement, Enhance
Firm’s Competitive Advantage and Firm reputation. In short the table 1.3 is
summated below in Figure 1.1
Effect of CSR on Business functions
Finance- high
firm value , Easier access to finance
low cost of
capital; equity capital higher stock return,
profitability/increase in no. of investors
shareholder value, Access to external capital
HR- reduced employee turnover, increased employee trust and
satisfaction, enhanced employee participation, employee retention, attract
top talents
Marketing- increased customer loyalty & consumer value proposition,
increased sales, Brand image, customer satisfaction, Attract new customers,
Consumers’ confidence, Customer loyalty
Better stakeholder engagement, enhance firm’s competitive advantage
Figure1.1 Benefits of CSR
Prepared by authors)
Figure 1.3
was supported by the studies of various scholars whose details have been
provided in table 1.4
Table 1.4
Benefits of CSR across research papers
Benefits of
Supported by
High valuation and low risks
Derwall and
Verwijmeren (2007); Chava (2010); El-Ghoul et al.(2011); Chen et al., (2009)
:Purchase, Loyalty, Advocacy
Productivity, Loyalty Citizenship Behaviour, Advocacy
Amount of Invested Capital, Loyalty
and keep top talent
Albinger & Freeman (2000)
stakeholder engagement, Enhance Firm’s Competitive Advantage and Firm
Benabou and
Tirole (2010); Eccles et al. (2011); Jo and Harjoto (2011, 2012); (Doh, Lawton, and
Rajwani (2012); Flammer
(2013); Mulki & Jaramillo (2011);Galbreath (2010); Aguinis and Glavas (2012);
Coulmont and Berthelot (2015); Viviani, Revelli and Mallick (2015)
Prepared by authors)
selected studies related with CSR during the time span of 2010 to 2108 provided
the researchers the must needed understanding of the concept of CSR. The studies indicate that future researchers
can undertake research in the following dimensions of study:
Concept of CSR
Awareness of stakeholders,
perception and attitude of stakeholders, policies and practices of CSR, Dimensions
of CSR, investment made by companies in the area of CSR
Relationship Studies
Impact of CSR on Functional areas
like marketing, finance, Human Resources and strategic management
Benefits of CSR
Implied and direct benefits from
the practice of CSR
CSR is
a concept which has come to stay. Many countries are trying to make the
practise of CSR mandatory. There has been a constant debate on part of
corporates against the legality of the case. The enterprises across the world
perceive that CSR practices must be voluntary. India has made CSR practise
mandatory by making an amendment in the companies Act 2013. The corporates
houses in India have accepted the law and are trying to adhere and comply by
its rules. Rana & Majumdar (2017) indicated that companies are giving an
active contribution to sustainability trends and are pushing towards cleaner
environment, green supply chains, water conservation and conservation of
renewable energy. This has again initiated the need across the world to bring
CSR under legal scanner. More research in the fields of CSR can provide the
required base to policy makers to decide a working non objectionable mandate
for CSR.
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