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Pandey, Pandey and Pandey (2014). Problems of Poor Women In Urban Informal Sector In India: Some Policy Implications. Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: Science), 19(1), pp.01-08.
of Ravishankar University, Part-A,19-20,
pp.01-08, 2014-15 ISSN 0970 5910
Problems of Poor Women In Urban Informal Sector In
India: Some Policy Implications
A. K. Pandey, Radha Pandey and Manisha Pandey
A. K. Pandey , SoS in Economics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
Radha Pandey, Economics Department, Govt. K. C. B. P. G. College,
Manisha Pandey, Economics Department, Govt.Chhattisgarh P.G. College,
[Received: 16 November 2014; Accepted: 24
April 2015]
Abstract: In the present paper, an attempt has been made to study the various
problems such as migration and displacement, feminization of poverty,
complicated daily routine, lack of safety, poor civic amenities and lack of
privacy of poor women living in urban informal sector in India. In view of some
key sectors for women development such as health, education, nutrition,
equality, empowerment, protection against exploitation and protection against
violence, the present study suggests the policy implications on the basis of
findings of the present paper.
Keywords: Migration, Displacement, Feminization of Poverty, Complicated Daily
Routine, Lack of Safety, Poor Civic Amenities
NOTE: Full version of this manuscript is available in PDF.