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Gupta and Dubey (1992). An Analysis Of Expenditure On Debt Services Of The Government Of Madhya Pradesh (1970 -'71 To 1989 -'90). Journal of Ravishankar University (Part-A: SOCIAL-SCIENCE), 5(1), pp.21-24.
of Ravishankar University Vol. 05 No. A (Science) 1992 pp. 21-24 ISSN
0970 5910
An Analysis Of Expenditure On Debt Services Of The
Government Of Madhya Pradesh (1970 -'71 To 1989 -'90)
Neelam Gupta and
Usha Dubey
School of Studies in
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur
MS Received: 1 July 92 Revised
29 August 92
1. Introduction: Public debt is a source of
income for the government. With the development
of democratic form of Government, public debt also. came into existence.
The state no more confines its development
expenditure to tax-revenue only:
rather it is taking a broader and progressive
view of the responsibility and is undertaking expenditure
out of borrowed money for the country's economic development.
(Jain,1965)1 The states receive loans from various sources, but the most important
source is the fiscal assistance of
Central Government and except in a few cases they have to pay interest on these
loans. The expenditure on interest payment has been an important
head of non-development expenditure of
the Government at all levels. In recent years many attempts have been made to
study the growth of government
expenditure in different states and in India as a whole. Madalagi(1966)2
has presented an analysis of the trends in State Governments' expenditure in India since five year plans.
Pattnaik's study (1970)3 revealed a significant growth of .Public expenditure in
Orissa during
the period of 1951- 52 to 1965-66. Porwall (1972)4 has analysed the growth and
pattern of government expenditure in
Rajasthan from 1949-50 to 1969-70. Nanjundappa (1976}5 has made
inter-state comparisons of both current
and capital expenditure according to functional
and economic Classification for
the year 1960-61. Reddy (1976)6 has analysed the government expenditure inIndian states during the
period of 1951to1975 and explained the causes of variations in
expenditures of
these states. Thimmaiah (1977)7 has studied the growth and pattern of public
expenditure in Karnataka and has taken 21 years period from 1957-58
to 1977-78. Singh (1983)8 has presented the pattern and changing structure of
public expenditure in Bihar from 1951-52 to 1979-80.Panigrahi (1985)9 has
highlighted public expenditure inOrissa for the period of 1948-49 to1978-79.2. Objectives: The main objectives of the
present study are as follows :-(i) To find out the trends in
expenditure on
debt services of the government of Madhya
Pradesh.(ii) To compare the growth of the expenditure on debt services of the Government of
Madhya Pradesh with neighbouring states.3. Methodology: The present study is based
on secondary data. The data are collected from various issues of Researve Bank
of lndia Bulletin. The study covers the period of 20 years from1970-'71 to 1989- '90.
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